How we make it simple

We break projects down into 3 repeatable steps with our L.A.B. process



Limit your investment and the risk of building something you don't need by rapidly deploying a solution.



Evaluate your Launch to determine if it had the predicted impact.  If not, it may be time to re-Launch.



Stabilize your rapid Launch by continuing to invest in the proven solution.


How we get it done



Not everything requires a custom solution.  Often the best place to start is with built-in tools. 


From the smallest detail to the largest project, we obsess about this stuff so you don't have to. 


We build tailored solutions in the best technology for the job - inside and outside of Salesforce. 


What makes us different

Dear you,

You know Salesforce is a wonderful tool.  Efficiency and productivity have increased, and now people want more.  More reports, more integration, more information, and that all means ... more work for you.  Salesforce has huge potential to transform your business, but all that goodness requires a lot of understanding.  Maybe you've hired a consultant to help in the past, and maybe that didn't go so well.  Maybe you're an experienced admin with a small team and you're looking to take things to the next level.   Whatever the reason, you are starting to realize you need a specialist that cares about your business to help out.

We've been there too.  We all worked at companies using Salesforce for everything from CRM to project management.  With more requests coming in than we could handle alone and overwhelmed by the sheer wealth of knowledge and functionality, we thought "There must be a better way".  So we started to search for help, and what we found wasn't always pretty and things weren't always done the right way.  We wanted something better and  we realized that we weren't alone.  That's why we started Billow Labs.

 What does the right way mean to us?  Well, sometimes it means education, other times it means fixing what's broken, and occasionally it means tackling large projects.  It's about balancing the BIG picture and the tiny details, improving the business and the technology, and above all - understanding your goals.  It's also about doing what it takes to get the job done.  That's one of the reasons we pride ourselves on being a local Chicago company as it means we can be available onsite when needed and we know a lot of people that can help us out in a pinch.   Most importantly, it means putting a lot of pride into our work.  For all of us, this isn't just how we make a living, it's who we are.  Its our job, our hobby, and our lifestyle.

All said, we want you to love Salesforce as much as we do and we're here to make that happen.

Team Billow


Let's work together

Billow Labs
Let'S Work Together